
“If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower, and everyone in our family, our entire society, will benefit from our peace.”
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Hay McKenna Fine Photography: Our Ceremony &emdash; KD_WED_1445

Somebody once gave me a packet of post-it notes that said, “Where am I going, and why am I in this hand basket?”  It would be funnier if it wasn’t so apt.  I used to think there would come a time in my life when I would be able to see where my life journey was taking me.  Now that I’m about to turn sixty, I’m beginning to let go of that personal myth.

I can tell you about my spiritual journey – first as a Reform Jewish activist, then a disillusioned lesbian activist, and finally a Quaker-trained Unitarian Universalist minister and spiritual director.  My personal spiritual journey has taken me from a particular theological belief system to the conviction that my understanding of the sacred is richest when I allow many different beliefs to freely interact within my heart.

Over the years I’ve been an educator, business consultant, university development associate, school bus driver, customer service and advertising sales representative, swim instructor, employment counselor and legal secretary.  I’m a stepparent, a godparent and a grandparent.  I found the love of my life and watched her slowly die from a progressive neurological disorder.

The loss stopped me in my tracks!  My desire is to help you discover, through Spiritual Direction, your soul language a little more gently than I discovered mine.  This often means finding ways to slow down your brain as well as your behavior.  One of my favorite tools is coloring; I invite you to download a mandala from the link in the sidebar and spend some time with it. (I use narrow point markers in bold colors.)


Mandala image in banner by artist Mary Robertson, Mandalas 50 Hand Drawn Illustrations Vol. 1.

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